How our breathing is making us ugly

3 steps to reverse them

Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

We were never thought in School, or by parents with the same habit

But most people is breathing through their mouth, which leads to all kinds of bad outcomes

Deformed face, poor jaw formation, gum disease, misaligned teeth and maybe sleep apnea

Here 3 steps to a beautiful face👀:

Nasal breathing

Breathe through the nose as wisely informed in Genesis 2:7 below.

By changing from mouth breathing to nasal breathing outcomes such as better teeth, facial structure and definition will leave you with a prettier face

Take a picture today and again in 3 months

Then the Lord formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living creature. Genesis 2:7

2. Shut your mouth!

If not drinking, speaking or eating the mouth should be shut

3. Take control!

The tongue shall rest in the roof of your mouth to clear air space down the throat and the nose

I’m out! Ciao👋🏼